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Latest Covid Update: Saudi Arabia Bans Flights To India And 15 Other Nations

In a latest development, Saudi Arabia has banned all flights to India. Moreover it also banned international travel to fifteen other nations which are The Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Venezuela, Belarus, Armenia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Libya.

The country banned traveling to these aforementioned sixteen nations. As a recent surge was witnessed in the covid 19 cases in Saudi Arabia these measures were brought in. India too witnessed a rise in covid 19 cases when in 24 hours nearly more than 2000 of these were reported.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also has said that the covid19 pandemic is “most certainly not over yet”. The cases of the omicron variant certainly have subsided but the corona virus has not yet gone.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director World Health Organization, said, “We lower our guard at our peril.” He also mentioned about one million people in the underdeveloped countries who have not been vaccinated yet.

There also is another issue of the monkey pox but the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia has said that there are no cases related to it as such in the Kingdom. Minister of Health for preventive health, Abdullah Asiri has said “Until now the cases of transmission amongst humans are very limited, and the possibilities of any outbreaks occurring from it, even in countries that have detected cases, are very low.”